Royal Brunswick Park

Planning application submitted

24/12/2014 by Buildington
Planning application submitted

A hybrid planning application was submitted for the phased comprehensive redevelopment of the North London Business Park to deliver a residential-led mixed-use development. The detailed element comprises 360 residential units in five blocks reaching eight storeys, the provision of a 5 form entry secondary school, a gymnasium, a multi-use sports pitch and associated changing facilities and improvements to open space and transport infrastructure, including improvements to the access from Brunswick Park Road and; the outline element comprises up to 990 additional residential units in buildings ranging from two to nine storeys, up to 5,177 sqm of non-residential floor space (use Classes A1-A4, B1 and D1) and 2.54 hectares of open space. Associated site preparation/enabling work, transport infrastructure and junction work, landscaping and car parking. March 2017 RECONSULTATION Amended Plans: involving the provision of 10% Affordable Housing across the site with an overall increase in the proposed number of housing units from 1,200 to 1,350. The tallest buildings have been reduced in height from 11 to 9 storeys with some buildings along the boundary of the rail line increased from 7 to 9 storeys.

Barnet Council ref. no. 15/07932/OUT

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